Odor Elimination
Refresh & Reset Your Indoor Environment

We are able to eliminate odors with Ozone Treatment
Ozone has a proven ability to eliminate common odors including smoke odor, human and pet odors, musty basement odor, mold scent, cooking odor, garbage odors, and lots of other organic-based odors.
We can experience naturally higher levels of ozone at the beach, after a thunderstorm or in a rainforest. In nature, it is that clean fresh air smell.
Ozone (O3) is a gas created by electrically charging oxygen.
This O3 is an unstable form of oxygen containing three atoms of oxygen rather than the common O2 that we breathe. That unstable nature means that there is a short half-life, usually 20 minutes, before it breaks back down to regular O2. Therefore it must be generated in high volume on site. This third oxygen atom is deposited on offending odors molecules completely destroying them.
Ozone is not a deodorant or scent masker. These sprays are popularly sold everywhere and do nothing more than cover up odors. They will not solve any significant odor problem. Ozone, on the other hand, completely destroys the offending molecules that are the source of everything we smell. It will react with contaminants in the air, on fabrics, and all surfaces of your home or business. The results are permanent and obvious.

Any unpleasant smell occuring inside of your home, automobile, boat, car or office can be eliminated with our powerful ozone shock generators.
Listed below are stubborn odors that Cleveland Healthy Homes has successfully neutralized once and for all:
- Allergens
- Tobacco Smoke
- Pet Odors (dog, cat and other pets)
- Pet Urine Odors
- Mildew & Mold Odors
- Hoard Odors
- Pungent Cooking & Restaurant Odors
- Locker Room Odors
Frequently Asked Questions about Odor Elimination
How does the Odor Elimination process work?
Cleveland Healthy Homes uses Ozone Generators to completely oxidize unwanted odors inside of your property. Ozone (O3) is a unique natural gas made up of three atoms of oxygen, which alone eliminates odors and disinfects indoor premises. The ozone molecule attaches to and neutralizes airborne pollutants, thus returning your property to the same clean air quality as found in nature.
How does Cleveland Healthy Homes approach each job?
Initially, our expert will conduct an inspection and educate property owners of the source of the odor, as well as the scope and cost of the service. Upon arrival, our expert will complete steps to safely secure the property for ozone shock treatment. Once all ozone generators are installed, they are turned on to produce ozone (O3). That generated ozone attaches to and neutralizes airborne pollutants. At this point, our expert leaves the premises and lets the generators do their job. The ozone gas quickly works to fill the entire area and penetrates spaces that are otherwise impossible to reach.
How should I prepare my property for ozone treatment?
It is important to make the proper preparations necessary for the ozone generator to work to produce the best result, which is a refreshed environment free of odors!
What you need to do:
- If possible, remove the source of the contaminant completely prior to treatment.
- All rooms must be reasonably clean and dry if water intrusion is the culprit.
- Evacuate all people, pets and plants from the premises.
- Make sure your furnace fan is working and can be set to the on position.
- Open all doors, cabinet drawers and doors completely.
- Have a new and unopened furnace filter ready to go.
How long does the ozone treatment take?
Only 24 hours.
Throughout the years, we have helped countless clients permanently rid their residence of persistent and unpleasant odors.
Cleveland Healthy Homes is dedicated to refreshing and resetting your residence to a healthy and safe environment.